Led ClubScanner

5 Channel Compact DMX LED scanner - Sound active, Master slave, and DMX mode - 14 Gobo's 11 Colors - 20 Watt white LED Ideal for mobile DJ's and small venues Power ,Small compact LED scanner. Ideal for mobile DJ's and small venues. Double bracket included, Music activated, Standalone mode DMX-512. Power supply: AC 230V - 50Hz,Showtec - LED Clubscanner 20W Zeedo ShopTV ,LED Clubscanner 20W Small compact LED scanner Ideal for mobile DJ's and small venues Double bracket included,LED Clubscanner 20W Scanners 5 Channel Compact DMX LED scanner? Sound active, Master slave, and DMX mode,LED Clubscanner 20W. Small compact LED scanner Ideal for mobile DJ\'s and small venues Double bracket included Music activated, Standalone mode DMX-512.,- Kleine, kompakte LED-Scanner, ideal für mobile DJs und kleinere Veranstaltungen. - Doppelbügel inklusive. - Musikgesteuert, Standalone-Modus, DMX-512 ,LED Clubscanner 20W. Small compact LED scanner Ideal for mobile DJ's and small venues Double bracket included Music activated, Standalone mode DMX-512,Congratulations! You have bought a great, innovative product from Showtec. The Showtec LED Clubscanner brings excitement to any venue. Whether you want simple plug-&-play,5 Channel Compact DMX LED scanner Sound active, Master slave, and DMX mode 14 Gobo's 11 Colors 20 Watt white LED Ideal for mobile DJ's and small venues
LED Clubscanner 20W / Scanners / Lighteffects / Showtec
5 Channel Compact DMX LED scanner Sound active, Master slave, and DMX mode 14 Gobo's 11 Colors 20 Watt white LED Ideal for mobile DJ's and small venues
LED Clubscanner 20W V2
Congratulations! You have bought a great, innovative product from Showtec. The Showtec LED Clubscanner brings excitement to any venue. Whether you want simple plug-&-play
LED Clubscanner 20W | 41390
LED Clubscanner 20W. Small compact LED scanner Ideal for mobile DJ's and small venues Double bracket included Music activated, Standalone mode DMX-512
Showtec LED Clubscanner 20W - YouTube
- Kleine, kompakte LED-Scanner, ideal für mobile DJs und kleinere Veranstaltungen. - Doppelbügel inklusive. - Musikgesteuert, Standalone-Modus, DMX-512
Discolight & Showverlichting, Light effects, Ledlight
LED Clubscanner 20W. Small compact LED scanner Ideal for mobile DJ\'s and small venues Double bracket included Music activated, Standalone mode DMX-512.
LED Clubscanner 20W | Scanners
LED Clubscanner 20W Scanners 5 Channel Compact DMX LED scanner? Sound active, Master slave, and DMX mode
Showtec LED Clubscanner 20W
LED Clubscanner 20W Small compact LED scanner Ideal for mobile DJ's and small venues Double bracket included
Showtec - LED Clubscanner 20W - YouTube
Showtec - LED Clubscanner 20W Zeedo ShopTV
Showtec LED Clubscanner 20W | Catalog | GearSource
Small compact LED scanner. Ideal for mobile DJ's and small venues. Double bracket included, Music activated, Standalone mode DMX-512. Power supply: AC 230V - 50Hz
SHOWTEC 41390 LED Clubscanner 20W
5 Channel Compact DMX LED scanner - Sound active, Master slave, and DMX mode - 14 Gobo's 11 Colors - 20 Watt white LED Ideal for mobile DJ's and small venues Power
5 Channel Compact DMX LED scanner Sound active, Master slave, and DMX mode 14 Gobo's 11 Colors 20 Watt white LED Ideal for mobile DJ's and small venues
LED Clubscanner 20W V2
Congratulations! You have bought a great, innovative product from Showtec. The Showtec LED Clubscanner brings excitement to any venue. Whether you want simple plug-&-play
LED Clubscanner 20W | 41390
LED Clubscanner 20W. Small compact LED scanner Ideal for mobile DJ's and small venues Double bracket included Music activated, Standalone mode DMX-512
Showtec LED Clubscanner 20W - YouTube
- Kleine, kompakte LED-Scanner, ideal für mobile DJs und kleinere Veranstaltungen. - Doppelbügel inklusive. - Musikgesteuert, Standalone-Modus, DMX-512
Discolight & Showverlichting, Light effects, Ledlight
LED Clubscanner 20W. Small compact LED scanner Ideal for mobile DJ\'s and small venues Double bracket included Music activated, Standalone mode DMX-512.
LED Clubscanner 20W | Scanners
LED Clubscanner 20W Scanners 5 Channel Compact DMX LED scanner? Sound active, Master slave, and DMX mode
Showtec LED Clubscanner 20W
LED Clubscanner 20W Small compact LED scanner Ideal for mobile DJ's and small venues Double bracket included
Showtec - LED Clubscanner 20W - YouTube
Showtec - LED Clubscanner 20W Zeedo ShopTV
Showtec LED Clubscanner 20W | Catalog | GearSource
Small compact LED scanner. Ideal for mobile DJ's and small venues. Double bracket included, Music activated, Standalone mode DMX-512. Power supply: AC 230V - 50Hz
SHOWTEC 41390 LED Clubscanner 20W
5 Channel Compact DMX LED scanner - Sound active, Master slave, and DMX mode - 14 Gobo's 11 Colors - 20 Watt white LED Ideal for mobile DJ's and small venues Power
Détails sur le produit
- Marque: Showtec
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