Followspot HMI 1200

DMX Followspot HMI-1200 . The DMX Followspot is a versatile and professional "light-tool" dedicated to the professional user on stage, in theatres, TV-studio's and ,Lamp HMI 1200 W/DXS (1200W/GS) is proud to be an authorized dealer for the top manufacturers of theatrical lighting and event equip,iSolution iFollow HMI 1200 Followspot Ref: FOLL02 Long throw 1200 watt followspot for use in professional theatres and concert halls. This point and shoot unit adds ,Long throw followspot for use in professional theatres and concert halls. This point and shoot unit adds that finishing touch to any show or production.,Followspot IF 1200 i Follow HMI 1200W DMX follow spot with controller stand and flight case . HMI 1200 W follow spot with 6 DMX channels, professional user,FOLLOWSPOT, DMX, HMI 1200 - IF-1200 - ISOLUTION Audio, Video & TV, PA, Disco & Musical Equipment, Light Effects & Controllers, Theatrical,Followspot HMI 1200 with zoom & iris. It has 3 dichroic colors, a heavy duty bracket and a separate balast for an HMI 1200 lamp,7 Installation Installing the Lamp The Showtec Followspot HMI 1200 uses a 1200W Lamp (ordercode 80902O / 80902P), as manufactured by all popular manufacturers.,Followspot HMI 1200 with zoom & iris. It has 3 dichroic colors a heavy duty bracket and a separate balast for an HMI 1200 lamp.,7 Installation Installing the Lamp The Showtec Followspot HMI 1200 uses a 1200W Lamp (ordercode 80902O / 80902S), as manufactured by all popular manufacturers.
Followspot HMI 1200
7 Installation Installing the Lamp The Showtec Followspot HMI 1200 uses a 1200W Lamp (ordercode 80902O / 80902S), as manufactured by all popular manufacturers.
Followspot HMI 1200 Including flightcase - Avantls
Followspot HMI 1200 with zoom & iris. It has 3 dichroic colors a heavy duty bracket and a separate balast for an HMI 1200 lamp.
Followspot HMI 1200
7 Installation Installing the Lamp The Showtec Followspot HMI 1200 uses a 1200W Lamp (ordercode 80902O / 80902P), as manufactured by all popular manufacturers.
Followspot HMI 1200 / Followspots / Theatre
Followspot HMI 1200 with zoom & iris. It has 3 dichroic colors, a heavy duty bracket and a separate balast for an HMI 1200 lamp
FOLLOWSPOT, DMX, HMI 1200 - IF-1200 - ISOLUTION Audio, Video & TV, PA, Disco & Musical Equipment, Light Effects & Controllers, Theatrical
DTS Followspot - BLUELIGHT
Followspot IF 1200 i Follow HMI 1200W DMX follow spot with controller stand and flight case . HMI 1200 W follow spot with 6 DMX channels, professional user
iSolution iFollow HMI 1200 Followspot
Long throw followspot for use in professional theatres and concert halls. This point and shoot unit adds that finishing touch to any show or production.
DJ Equipment | Disco lighting | LED Par Cans |
iSolution iFollow HMI 1200 Followspot Ref: FOLL02 Long throw 1200 watt followspot for use in professional theatres and concert halls. This point and shoot unit adds
NEW Lamp HMI 1200 W/DXS | Followspot Lamps on New Lighting
Lamp HMI 1200 W/DXS (1200W/GS) is proud to be an authorized dealer for the top manufacturers of theatrical lighting and event equip
Podium verlichting: Volgspot, Followspot - BPK Licht en Geluid
DMX Followspot HMI-1200 . The DMX Followspot is a versatile and professional "light-tool" dedicated to the professional user on stage, in theatres, TV-studio's and
7 Installation Installing the Lamp The Showtec Followspot HMI 1200 uses a 1200W Lamp (ordercode 80902O / 80902S), as manufactured by all popular manufacturers.
Followspot HMI 1200 Including flightcase - Avantls
Followspot HMI 1200 with zoom & iris. It has 3 dichroic colors a heavy duty bracket and a separate balast for an HMI 1200 lamp.
Followspot HMI 1200
7 Installation Installing the Lamp The Showtec Followspot HMI 1200 uses a 1200W Lamp (ordercode 80902O / 80902P), as manufactured by all popular manufacturers.
Followspot HMI 1200 / Followspots / Theatre
Followspot HMI 1200 with zoom & iris. It has 3 dichroic colors, a heavy duty bracket and a separate balast for an HMI 1200 lamp
FOLLOWSPOT, DMX, HMI 1200 - IF-1200 - ISOLUTION Audio, Video & TV, PA, Disco & Musical Equipment, Light Effects & Controllers, Theatrical
DTS Followspot - BLUELIGHT
Followspot IF 1200 i Follow HMI 1200W DMX follow spot with controller stand and flight case . HMI 1200 W follow spot with 6 DMX channels, professional user
iSolution iFollow HMI 1200 Followspot
Long throw followspot for use in professional theatres and concert halls. This point and shoot unit adds that finishing touch to any show or production.
DJ Equipment | Disco lighting | LED Par Cans |
iSolution iFollow HMI 1200 Followspot Ref: FOLL02 Long throw 1200 watt followspot for use in professional theatres and concert halls. This point and shoot unit adds
NEW Lamp HMI 1200 W/DXS | Followspot Lamps on New Lighting
Lamp HMI 1200 W/DXS (1200W/GS) is proud to be an authorized dealer for the top manufacturers of theatrical lighting and event equip
Podium verlichting: Volgspot, Followspot - BPK Licht en Geluid
DMX Followspot HMI-1200 . The DMX Followspot is a versatile and professional "light-tool" dedicated to the professional user on stage, in theatres, TV-studio's and
Détails sur le produit
- Marque: Showtec
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